OMB Control Number: 0420-0565 | Expiration Date: 9/30/2027

Campus Ambassadors Application

Thank you for your interest in the Peace Corps Campus Ambassador program!

Here are a few key points to understand before submitting this application:
  • Serving as a Campus Ambassador will not guarantee that you will be accepted as a Peace Corps Volunteer if you choose to apply.
  • Being affiliated with the Peace Corps in any way may adversely impact your ability to pursue an internship or career with an U.S. intelligence agency (e.g., FBI, CIA, etc.). This policy is founded on the premise that it is crucial to the Peace Corps in carrying out its mission that there is a complete and total separation of Peace Corps operations from the intelligence activities of the United States government, both in reality and appearance.
  • ​​​​​​​This is a peer-to-peer outreach position, so -- among other activities -- you will need to give short presentations about the Peace Corps to various student groups on campus and post about Peace Corps on your personal social media.
I Agree*

General Information

Full Legal First Name*
Last Name*
Email (the one you will be checking regularly, including during the summer/school breaks)*
Phone Number (mobile)*
Are you a current Peace Corps Campus Ambassador?*

College or University Information

College or University Name*
What is your anticipated graduation date? (your best estimate within a month)*
Do you plan to study abroad or otherwise be off-campus at any point next year? If so, when and to where?*
From September to May, how many hours per week are you available to work as a Campus Ambassador*
Please list all the campus groups and activities you are involved in. Please include any positions you hold in these campus groups or activities.*

Experience and Motivation

Please highlight any experience you have in marketing, outreach and/or event planning.*
List all your public social media accounts and handles and how often you post on each per week. For example - @YourHandle on Instagram - 6 posts per week; @YourHandle on X - 3 tweets per week. *
Why are you interested in international service, including the work that Peace Corps Volunteers do?*
Who would you collaborate with on campus to get the word out about the Peace Corps? e.g. Academic and/or social clubs, partnering with college offices or departments, sports team, etc.*
Service is one of the pillars of the Peace Corps. With that in mind, what community service projects are you are currently involved in? *
What service project(s) do you plan on participating in next year?*
As a Campus Ambassador, how would you share the opportunity of Peace Corps service with students on your campus who represent different communities?*

Finishing Touches

What does your ideal relationship with your supervisor look like?*
Anything else you'd like us to know about you?*
What is the primary way you heard about the Campus Ambassadors program?*
Upload Resume (Microsoft Word or PDF)*

Social Media Agreement

I agree to post content about the Peace Corps on my personal social media accounts a few times per month as requested by my Peace Corps supervisor.*